black rose poetry

everyone calls me a goth, but that come no where near to explaining what i really am. i have no classification, no direction; i am not original, i am myself, i do what i do, i write what i know, i experience what i want and i believe....

Thursday, December 15, 2005

mr. le'foom

mr. le'foom is an awesome teacher, he's my favorite. le'foom isn't is real name that's just what me and my friends call him- stands for lovely evil flying monkey (we added the "o"s to make it a name).....the truth is, when he does his little arm workouts he looks like a monkey flapping his arms, so....anyway today as we were reviewing for our literature exam (on the books-the phantom of the opera [vair vair good] and idylls of the king [so bs-ed, they say arthur's a blameless bad...he's a player...and we all know it])....we were going over the characters in each book, so i had my books out. now one of them- idylls of the king- has a picture of the auther on the first page, and i was noticiing that it looked so much like le'foom, with a i fixed it up, giving him a little more hair and some glasses, and then wrote "ribbit ribbit croak" as what he was saying (b/c le'foom is also an old, ugly, bald, incompetant fool, toad-man...don't ask...that's a whole nother story).....i showed it to teabag (my friend in the next desk over) and we crack up....le'foom doesn't mind at all...but then randomly says i look like i could tell fortunes...and i say "well ya"....and he's like "oh so you already do?" "yi"....and then he says "do you read palms or use tarot cards?" *pause to think that over cause i don't use either, i use visions* "palms" "do u ever tell people that bad things will happen?" *pause again* "ya...sometimes" "you know, i was wrong about calling you a goth, i should have said fortune teller" "ya, that would have been more precise (u goth)"....and then the bell rang....i lurve my classes when they're like that...just lurve them


At 9:15 AM, Blogger Em said...


At 10:23 AM, Blogger blackandwhite said...

u wouldn't get's so hard to explain, so many details to go into...


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