black rose poetry

everyone calls me a goth, but that come no where near to explaining what i really am. i have no classification, no direction; i am not original, i am myself, i do what i do, i write what i know, i experience what i want and i believe....

Thursday, April 19, 2007

it's been awhile...

maybe that's just cuz i've joined myspace but i'll always remain faithful to my original blogger account.....basically my life is one big drama and i hate it....let me list
1. the play sux....opening nite is in less than a month (omf...shit) and no one is ready
2. prom is next sat.
3. i have a date and i'm having second thoughts cuz this guy is confusing me too much
4. graduation is coming up
5. our class is so lazy it can't plan senior prank/skip day (LAME)
6. is anyone gonna get around to planning the boardwalk high school fieldtrip thing?
7. why does love suck?
8. anastasia needs a bf (who isn't short)
9. um....i wanna visit my sister this summer but it's not looking very likely
10. ummmmmm...i never hang out with my two bestest friends marmie and dt
11. yearbook pictures that stupid assholes wont let me take (*cough* dan *cough*)
12. art....well actually it's coming along pretty well, i'm ahead!
13...ah forget it, we're only gonna try to have fun at the wedding
14. next year=college=dallas=fun!
15. i got my license!
16. i'm almost 18.....
17.i'm done

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

it's anastasia....or should i say Dolly Levi?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

in true bloom

is this not the most awesome piece of art that u have seen...done by me?

bout it

think it might be about time to post another bloody blog, well...that's why i'm here, slouching in the chair pretending to do homework, but really i'm just bored...and wanna go to sleep but i know that i got to study for that religion test tomorrow, on the chapter that we started what, last thursday?...great two days of learning about w/e is in the chapter, but instead we talk about sex in class cuz, somehow everything leads to it....and guess what....i absolutely hate myself right now cuz i hang out with one person who has a gf, but i like some other person who is completely awesome and all the prom date? what the hell is wrong....i should write a tragedy based on my life....only it'll end on the day i get hit in the heart with a fast ball instead of continueing on to tell my tragic tail....w/ is so is vegas, and LA, and bball,...and boys...and um, everything?....cept for maybe music and dancing....and the rain...and sunny fields....and picnics...and cookies

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

That time of Year

so basically life sucks.....thanks to Ana....thanks to Zero....thanks to others who must remain un-named.......i have suddenly been forced to re-live certain memories that were better left many things that i wished to forget.....that one guy.....josh (no, not figueroa josh....another one....a different one...well maybe not that different)....we used to live in the same neighborhood, but both of us moved out of it one year..(beginning of 7th grade)....some how after that we found each other and (end of 7th grade).........josh was different, so sweet, kind, loving, fun.........a skater punk....and me, a biker punk (yes, me) we hung out together a lot....we had so much month turned into two, and so on into two that time, i was ending my first yr in high school and about to change schools, and he was ending his sophmore year.........that's when it happened, what i thought would never happen......(pause and comment: u know, it seems as though i loose those i love that most this way, thru bball....) so anywho....we were playing bball one day....idk what happened, but he suddenly stopped and said, "we gotta talk" everything went so fast....i couldn't was like a fast forward button had been pushed 5x or somethin'...................................and then he starts...."i feel like we're drifting, things aren't the same....i mean, we're not even in the same school and ur changing schools again and it's farther away...and i'll never see u......i love u, but......i don't want to loose u" my head was swirling thoughts of "how could u?" "what the hell happened" "love u, but?" "don't wanna loose u?" i cried....of course, but i let him go.....and thus i hated that school...hated it, despised suxd.......and u know what they say? history repeats itself

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

the truth....behind the lies

i seriously can't believe it....half of my senior yr has come and gone....and now what...will i actually be able to move on to have a life with no schedule? from graduation and onnward life is just one big summer vacation literally.......should i actually try to get into college? take a yr off? nvr go?.....should i well....idk...i'm like lost in this thought that somehow life ends when u graduate...i've always felt like that....and now that the time has almost arrived where have i spent my time? it's like opening nite for a big production....i've had so much time to prepare for this, to memorize my lines, but i haven't, the lines aren't there in my head, the curtains are about to raise and then what, maybe i can make it impromptu...i kno i'm not alone.....where has everyone gone whom i once trusted as close friendss who once said they'd always be there for me....i admit i haven't always been there...i don't think that in recent yrs i've trusted anyone....i think that after a few times a being shot down by friends that even strangers or mere aquaintances are treated as though they're the enemy....i can't believe how much ppl start to fight when they realize the truth, how much they start to hate each other just because they feel that since there's only a short time left that that will be the end.........they fight so much about pointless things...must all this patience wear off now?....why can't we all be close again.....why can't we stand by each other...we're all scared....who knows.......i'm just bored and trying to sound emotionally philosophical...hehehehe

Saturday, November 25, 2006

First One!!!

i did it! i actually completed my apps and sent them in....okay...actaully it's not as gr8 as it sounds cuz, i only applied to two places and only one has actually been sent in.....cuz the whole UD app is complketely confusing me but i think i understand it now.....i am so bored...and i've a got a major headache (3rd day now) and ya....w/e thanksgiving was great....and now christmas is almost here!!!! which means KKs and candy....oh and not to mention my SATscores arrive on tuesday.....i hope that i did mucho better this time cuz i definitely feel like i did.....going now....gone going gone....

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Everyone else has one....

so why can't i? basically all i ever have asked for is about nothing cept a steady boyfriend...but just ain't fair and this is a really lame blog topic so i'm gonna quit on the subject even if anastasia decides to crash in with comments such as: PPPPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......cuz she's obessed like that u kno?......i o well.....whatever i'm just bored.....ciao....monkeys....sharks avacadoes.....oi.....hasta manuego