black rose poetry

everyone calls me a goth, but that come no where near to explaining what i really am. i have no classification, no direction; i am not original, i am myself, i do what i do, i write what i know, i experience what i want and i believe....

Thursday, December 08, 2005

the second part

i did say that i would continue to publish my poems online so here's another part of "i remember red"
Part two: Black
i remember black
the color of the ink on the paper
i remember black
like my heart was before and is once more
i remember black
the rose of privileged few
i remember black
the clothes of a distrusted 'goth' -mine?
i remember black
his lively, trustful eyes
i remember black
of those happy, miserable tears
i remember black
with the pale moon in the clouded distance
i remember black
until the sunrise


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