black rose poetry

everyone calls me a goth, but that come no where near to explaining what i really am. i have no classification, no direction; i am not original, i am myself, i do what i do, i write what i know, i experience what i want and i believe....

Sunday, June 04, 2006


i'm a senior!....finally, k now that's over with so back to looking at colleges, freaking out about how i did on the SATs, and finding a way to see joshua....i don't think i'm ever gonna forget the way he looked at me when i left...i'm gonna miss him a lot....*sniff*......i will survive, and move on...(me: but i don't wanna) (i: so what sucker) (me: but...) (i: look, if he really liked u don't u think that he would try to find u or talk to u or something, esp. now that his friends won't be around?) (me: he liked me....and i'm not the only one who knows that, for pete's sake, he told his best friend, who's also my friend....that's mainly how i found out....) (i: a'ight then, if u think so then fine, but keep in mind that u have to go work on now) (me: yearbook--o shizzles...crap, going now) (i: ya u better) (me: shutup)


At 7:04 AM, Blogger Em said...

So...when can I get the secret codes from you so that I can see pictures of this delicious young man, hmm?

At 7:43 PM, Blogger blackandwhite said...

well...soon, but not via blogging cuz then anyone could see them....and that's not allowed, ur not even supposed to know....more or less....but anyhow i was gonna post some pictures on here anyhow

At 3:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

At 9:24 AM, Blogger Em said...

excellent pics, btw darling.

At 5:35 PM, Blogger blackandwhite said...

who the heck was the anonymous?

At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.


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