black rose poetry

everyone calls me a goth, but that come no where near to explaining what i really am. i have no classification, no direction; i am not original, i am myself, i do what i do, i write what i know, i experience what i want and i believe....

Sunday, July 23, 2006

well, i guess it's time for me to post again

summer's half gets hotter with every dawn....and volleyball practice as finally started....mysterious strangers decide to talk to me....old friends make a reapearrance (okay, so not quite...but maybe...actually they do appear in dreams....scary) words from loved ones....winter is only 5months away (as well as the long awaited shopping trip with my beloved sister).....the library has got to be one of the coolest places on the planet right now....i'm freezing...but ice cream sounds real good....won't be playing sux, but o well...gotta go chill


At 4:22 PM, Blogger anastasia said...

so here i comment because i feal like it........

At 9:02 AM, Blogger Em said...

I'm thinking that you really have to send me links to all these fun quizzes you're taking. You and Anastasia both. Right now.

At 1:54 PM, Blogger blackandwhite said...


At 6:58 PM, Blogger anastasia said...

hehe..(to the tune of beethovens fifth) goodgoodgood bye....goodgoodgood bye....go-oo-oodbye go-oo-oodbye go-oo-oodbye...
go-oo-oodbye go-oo-oodbye goo-O-O-O-dBYE!!!!!!!

At 7:00 PM, Blogger anastasia said...

gooooood.....(hits high note).....BYYYYEEEEE!!!!!!!.....(drums) da da da daaaaaa!

At 7:00 PM, Blogger anastasia said...

thank you thank you thank you!!!!....the fsm thanks you.......

At 7:00 PM, Blogger anastasia said...

have you been touched by his noodly appendage?

At 5:26 PM, Blogger anastasia said...

check your goddamn blog...and email

At 8:38 PM, Blogger blackandwhite said...

omf what r u smoking? it seems pretty strong...gimme

At 12:54 PM, Blogger anastasia said...

fuck my tit man........i have like that bad coffee feeling when you drink to much of it ........ its life man, im smokin life

At 5:14 PM, Blogger anastasia said...

i hate you for leaving me...

At 5:14 PM, Blogger anastasia said...

your a peices of shit

At 5:15 PM, Blogger anastasia said...

i am ging through sexual deprivation......i think

At 5:15 PM, Blogger anastasia said...

maybe i am just constipated

At 5:15 PM, Blogger anastasia said...

or....maybe i need food

At 6:44 PM, Blogger blackandwhite said...

stop saying weird things on my's not appropriate!!!1

At 9:23 PM, Blogger anastasia said...

fuck appropriate! im CRAZY!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

At 1:40 PM, Blogger blackandwhite said...

i know


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